got overtime?

Law Offices of Michael Tracy
"If the exemption doesn't fit, the employer must remit."


California Overtime Law

Free Overtime Evaluation

Got Overtime? Fill out this form for an evaluation. Please note that you must be primarily employed within the State of California

Manager or Supervisor Form

Do you currently work for the company? Yes No
Do you supervise other employees? Yes No
Can you hire/fire Yes No
Do you interview employees to hire? Yes No
Do you write performance reviews for employees? Yes No
Describe your role in firing employees?
How many employees do you supervise?
How are you paid (Check all that apply):

Hourly Daily Rate Salary Commission

Piece Rate Production Bonus Other

Please Check "Hourly" only if you are paid for every hour that you work. DO NOT check hourly if you paycheck always say "40 " hours in a week, "80" hours for two weeks or "86.6" for a semi-monthly check. In those cases, please check "Salary."

Is your pay less if you work less than 40 hours in a week?

Yes, may paycheck is for less money if I work less hours

My paycheck is the same, but they deduct it from vacation/PTO

My pay remains the same and nothing is deducted from vacation/PTO

How much do you get paid?
Approximately how many hours a week do you work?
Date you started work:
Last Day of Work (enter "Present" if currently employed.)
Job Title:
Job Description. Please give as much detail as possible
What percentage of your time do you spend doing the same type of work as your subordinates?
Are you paid sick days? Yes No
Are you paid holidays that you don't work? Yes No
Are you or anyone at the company paid cash or "under the table"? Yes No
Additional Information you want to provide:
Your Name
Your Email
Phone #
How do you prefer to be contacted: Email Phone

What are your feelings about recovering your money?
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©2006 Michael Tracy

This website only provides general information about the overtime laws in California and is not meant to be legal advice and does not serve to establish an attorney-client relationship. Any statements, on this page or elsewhere, are not guarantees of any outcome. Michael Tracy is licensed only in California.